Git flow

On this page, you can find rules and tips on how to use git with this project.


First of all, to contribute, you need to create a fork of the project on GitHub. To keep your fork always in sync: 1. Specify a remote upstream repo to sync with your fork

git remote add upstream
  1. Verify using

git remote -v
  1. Fetch branches and commits from the upstream repo

git fetch upstream
  1. Checkout your fork’s local branch that you want to sync and merge chenges from upstream branch. For example ‘main’

git checkout main
git merge upstream/main
  1. Push changes to update your fork

git push origin main


shared branch

a branch that several developers are working on at once

private branch

a branch that only one developer is working on

Please, don’t use git merge to sync your private branch. This makes the history tangled. With a regular rebase you can update your feature branch with the default branch (or any other branch). This is an important step for Git-based development strategies.

git checkout feature-branch
git fetch origin main:main
git rebase main
git push --force origin feature-branch


git rebase rewrites the commit history. It can be harmful to do it in shared branches. It can cause complex and hard to resolve merge conflicts.

Pull request

To merge your branch with the main fork, create a pull request by GitHub