
In general, OpenFPGA requires specific versions for the following dependencies:


version >3.15 for graphical interface


version >9 as the project requires full support on C++17 features


version >5 as the project requires Qt5 features

python dependencies:

python packages are also required:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


Full list of dependencies can be found at install_ubuntu_dependencies_build_.

# Install required dependencies for Ubuntu systems
sudo apt-get update -qq
sudo apt install -y \
  g++-11 gcc-11 \
  tclsh \
  cmake \
  build-essential \
  google-perftools \
  libgoogle-perftools-dev \
  uuid-dev \
  lcov \
  valgrind \
  xorg \
  qtbase5-dev qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools \
  xvfb \
  yosys \

# For QML: qtdeclarative5-dev

sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/g++-11 /usr/bin/g++
sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/gcc-11 /usr/bin/gcc
sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/gcov-11 /usr/bin/gcov


Different Ubuntu version may require different package names. See details in the sub subsections

Ubuntu 18.04

sudo apt-get install qt5-default g++-9 \
   libkf5qqc2desktopstyle-dev \
   tclsh \
   cmake \
   build-essential \
   google-perftools \
   libgoogle-perftools-dev \
   uuid-dev \
   lcov \
   valgrind \
   xorg \

Ubuntu 20.04

sudo apt-get install qtbase5-dev qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools g++-9 \
   libkf5qqc2desktopstyle-dev \
   tclsh \
   cmake \
   build-essential \
   google-perftools \
   libgoogle-perftools-dev \
   uuid-dev \
   lcov \
   valgrind \
   xorg \

Ubuntu 21.04

sudo apt-get install qtbase5-dev qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools g++-9 \
   libkf5qqc2desktopstyle-dev \
   tclsh \
   cmake \
   build-essential \
   google-perftools \
   libgoogle-perftools-dev \
   uuid-dev \
   lcov \
   valgrind \
   xorg \

Ubuntu 21.10

sudo apt-get install qtbase5-dev qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools g++-9 \
   libkf5qqc2desktopstyle-dev \
   tclsh \
   cmake \
   build-essential \
   google-perftools \
   libgoogle-perftools-dev \
   uuid-dev \
   lcov \
   valgrind \
   xorg \
   xvfb \

AlmaLinux 8.4


needs further testing

sudo dnf install qt5-qtbase-devel


Both “make” and “make test” will pass after this package is installed, however I don’t know the difference between this package and the Ubuntu 20.04/21.04 ones yet, and potential differences may bring impacts in the future. Consider support for RHEL-based distros experimental at the moment.

Mac OS

Full list of dependencies can be found at install_macos_dependencies_build_.

# Install required dependencies for Mac OS systems
brew install qt5
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/qt@5/bin:$PATH"
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/qt@5/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/qt@5/include"



Minimal requirements:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio сommunity edition

  • Qt5 for MSVC

  • Make sure component ‘C++ CMake tools for windows’ is installed for Microsoft Visual Studio

  • Make sure Qt bin are in the PATH variable. e.g. set PATH=C:Qt5.15.2msvc2019_64bin;%PATH%

  • Make sure Qt5_DIR is set. e.g. C:/Qt/5.15.2/msvc2019_64/lib/cmake/Qt5


MSYS2 env with the MinGW64 g++ compiler can be used to build FOEDAG.

  • Get the latest installer from :

  • Follow the steps on the main site : (also listed below, step 1-6), and step 7 lists the additional packages needed to build FOEDAG:

    1. Invoke the downloaded installer

    2. Allow installer to run the MSYS2 MSYS Shell

    3. Run pacman -Syu for initial base updates

    4. At the end, it will close the terminal after confirmation

    5. Run MSYS2 MSYS Shell

    6. Run pacman -Su for remaining base updates

    7. Run pacman -S --needed base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain git mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-x86_64-qt5-base-debug mingw-w64-x86_64-qt5 mingw-w64-x86_64-qt5-declarative-debug mingw-w64-x86_64-tcl mingw-w64-x86_64-zlib for installing required packages.

      Select default (all) packages to install here

    8. Close the MSYS2 MSYS Shell

  • Now, use MSYS2 MinGW x64 Shell (from Start Menu) to open the right shell and start building.

  • If the system has MSVC compiler setup with Qt5 installed, it is likely that Qt5_DIR env variable is set.
    If so, the MSYS2 build will pick up the MSVC Qt5 install, and linking will fail due to the difference in name mangling.
    In this case, ensure that Qt5_DIR is set to the MinGW64 Qt5 packages before building.
    export Qt5_DIR=/mingw64/lib/cmake/Qt5